Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Important things:

First off, you should never say "please" at a fast food drive-thru. It sounds too much like "cheese," and if you are lactose-intolerant, this might be an issue for you. I suppose you would also have to inhale your food to fast to realize it has cheese on it too. Whatever. You probably do if you eat fast food. Also, saying "please" probably freaks out the underpaid employees. They have a hard enough job, you don't have to scare them too by being polite.

Secondly, my taste buds have matured enough (or enough have died) so that I can drink diet soda without gagging.

Thirdly, I have Hobbit feet. Minus the hairy part. I would like to start a rumour that I have extra toes. That would explain the wideness of my feet if it were true. I think having extra toes is way cooler than having wide feet.

Lastly, I hate the fourth of July for the following reasons: I hate freedom, I hate fireworks (I have really bad anxiety, ok!?), and I hate any excuse for rednecks to leave their front porches/yards to infiltrate public places. Yeah, I said it. Fuck fireworks.

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