Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I didn't have anything better to write about.

I do not like handlebar mustaches.

I'm just sayin'.

I would like to talk about the blog post on SubSprawl's blog about Kate Perry. Kate Perry obviously does what she does for attention. It's sad. I could imagine her response to the blog would be something like, "OMG, like, dont git ur panties in a wad, fagz, lolz."

The song, "Ur so gay," bothers me on many levels, but one above all others: that guy love isn't right. Guy love is great. Gay guy love is great too. What's so wrong about having love for another human? I know a lot of dudes who are very open about when it comes to the feelings they have for their friends. Are feelings gender-specific? I am sure if you say "yes" to that, then you probably think talent is gender-specific as well.

I didn't really want to talk about Kate Perry, I just wanted to talk about how much guy love I have been noticing in the area.


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